Gotta love this one.
Serial adulterer Tiger Woods will speak to the media for the first time this Friday, but won’t take any questions!
I'm not kidding.
Someone please tell this asshat that it’s 2010. When you’re a public figure that has no problem cashing in on your image in advertisements and you fuck up big time, you get the questions.
It’s becoming less and less astounding that this tool actually thought his initial website "statement" would sweep away his humiliating his wife and exposing her to AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. This guy gets the John Edwards Sociopath Award!
This is going to be good. Of course the golf press will dutifully worship the sickening sociopath on Friday – they have their noses so far up Tiger’s ass they wink at him when he brushes his teeth - but once out of the clubhouse, Tiger is going to get a lesson real fast that it’s 2010.